A bath with a toaster

Curiosity is not a sin. Humans are curious by nature, and being curious is a driving force behind learning and discovering. There will always...

I read the news today

This is National Newspaper Week in Canada: a chance to think about the place of the print media in society today and the growing...

Eve of destruction

“Eastern world, it is exploding. Violence flaring, bullets loading...” Sounds far too contemporary, doesn’t it? But when P. F. Sloan wrote those lyrics (most...
The NG Times Newspaper

Who are you?

Long time ago, in the days of yore, cows got branded. So did outlaws, deserters and witches, apparently. But in our up-to-date, modern society, everything is being branded....
The NG Times Newspaper

Changing of the guard

The impact of the recent North Grenville Rural Summit continues to be felt, and not only in the municipality. Elsewhere in this issue you...

Don’t fence me in

Now, I’m saying nothing. This is just speculation built on conjecture founded on rumour and, yes, a few interesting hints from various sources. But...

Trusted Source

By Bob Cox, Publisher, Winnipeg Free Press, and Chair of the Board of News Media Canada It is common these days to find news outlets...

Forest for the trees

Everyone has a certain tolerance for complaining. Similarly, everyone has a point when their tolerance is exceeded. I have firmly decided that my tolerance...
The NG Times Newspaper

Who owns Heritage?

There’s been some hard thinking done recently on the subject of heritage. This week, we have learned about the draft agreement between Ontario and...
The NG Times Newspaper

Celebration Day

I remember, way back in 2007, when we celebrated Kemptville’s 150 year anniversary, there was a long list of events and projects put together...