13.2 C
The NG Times Newspaper

A Bridge of Hope

Greetings from small town America! Right now, I am sitting on a boat along the banks of the Mohawk River on a stretch of...

A lonely pizza slice

I love a good riddle, don’t you? Here’s one: “I am valuable, but I am hated. I am sought after, but I am chased...
The NG Times Newspaper

I want to tell you

One of the more imaginative initiatives of the Municipality of North Grenville has recently come to an end. At the beginning of last year,...
The NG Times Newspaper

The Future

Lots happening in North Grenville these days. The announcement of a new hotel coming to Kemptville is an exciting development for all sectors of...
The NG Times Newspaper

Signs, signs, everywhere signs

That traditional part of election campaigns continues this year: candidates’ signs are disappearing from the streets and byways of North Grenville. It is a...
The NG Times Newspaper

Just like starting over

Everyone has heard about the old Chinese curse: “May you live in interesting times”. Well, consider yourself well and truly cursed. It’s hard to...

All progress is good progress

It is that time of year again? Are education worker labour strikes looming? I’m being funny, of course, as labour contracts in the education...
The NG Times Newspaper

Eve of Destruction

Has something very important been broken in the world? Is it my imagination, or have we reached a new low in human relations and...

Both sides now

Now that the neighbouring municipalities of North Grenville and Merrickville-Wolford have completed filling positions on their Advisory Committees, they have reached the point where...

We shall overcome

Well, how is everyone doing these days? I must say, living through a period of history is an interesting experience. In this past week,...