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Happy Birthday to the North Grenville Times

Last week, The North Grenville Times celebrated its fifth year as a weekly newspaper in North Grenville. At a party surrounded by friends, advertisers,...

United we stand

One month down and eleven more to go, and already we’re seeing some movement in this green and growing community of ours. Ideas are...

Sounds of silence

What is going on with the Kemptville College situation? The Municipality announced that the announcement scheduled for the middle of March, which was delayed...
The NG Times Newspaper

Floods, fires and the future

How exceptional is the recent warm weather, with its record high temperatures around the world? As places as far apart as Japan, London and...
The NG Times Newspaper

A little bit me, a little bit you

In the society in which we live in Canada, as with all Western-style liberal democracies, the health and vitality of our communities depends on...

Please, Mister Postman

Being a growing community, still finding the balance between a traditional rural and contemporary urban population, North Grenville is losing some of that old...
The NG Times Newspaper

What is truth?

Did you hear the latest? Apparently,.... But wait a minute. Is this news, or fake news? Fake news: the new term we’ve all learned...
North Grenville Missile Defense

North Grenville missile defense ready to go

North Grenville missile defense ready to go. Don’t Panic! Steps have been taken to protect us from unexpected missile attacks from either side. The photo here was taken...

I hear you knocking

Now and then you find a new word or phrase creeping into public discourse, something new that gets picked up as the new buzz...
The NG Times Newspaper

Losing touch with reality

Something very strange happened at the Municipal Council meeting on November 27. The meeting opened with a statement, read by Mayor David Gordon, in...