9.1 C

Sounds of silence

What is going on with the Kemptville College situation? The Municipality announced that the announcement scheduled for the middle of March, which was delayed...

O Canada! Full of Contradictions

We live in a strange land. Canada always seems to be developing into something, but never becoming sure of what that something should be....
The NG Times Newspaper

Changing of the guard

The impact of the recent North Grenville Rural Summit continues to be felt, and not only in the municipality. Elsewhere in this issue you...

Please, Mister Postman

Some weeks are worse than others. This past week or so brought some complications to my life that I thought I would share with...
The NG Times Newspaper

He ain’t heavy..he’s my brother

Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, well-known Irish-American politician, once said: “To be Irish is to know that, in the end, the world will break your...

We can work it out

Readers will notice a rather excited exchange in the Letters section this week, as some correspondents dissect what they saw as a misleading, if...

My little town

A community is only as strong as its people. With the right men and women, a cold and faceless subdivision of ticky-tacky houses can...

Stuck in the middle with you

What ever happened to Steve Clark? There was a time, not so long ago, when people generally liked and respected our local M.P.P., and,...
The NG Times Newspaper

Eve of Destruction

Has something very important been broken in the world? Is it my imagination, or have we reached a new low in human relations and...

The battle of evermore

Careful readers will have noticed that this issue of the Times contains quite a lot concerning history and heritage. It can often seem that...