Winter is coming

Our community has been dealing with the realities of COVID-19 for eight months now. In March, none of us could have predicted how long...

Homeward Bound

It seemed best to some who know me that I leave North Grenville for a while. They’ll never find you in Ireland, was the...

Dazed and confused

The cyber security “incident” at KDH last week may mean that North Grenville has become the latest victim of a growing problem that is...
The NG Times Newspaper

Let’s do more than talk

Today, January 31, is Bell Let’s Talk day. Since 2010 Bell has been hosting one day a year where they donate five cents for...

Strength of the herd

Debates in the Letters to the Editor section are one of my favourite things about the Times. It is almost reminiscent of pen pals...

The golden throne

I’m back! But don’t worry, I’m not here to stay… you can un-roll your eyes. David Shanahan remains the editor of the Times –...
The NG Times Newspaper

Changing of the guard

The impact of the recent North Grenville Rural Summit continues to be felt, and not only in the municipality. Elsewhere in this issue you...

Has Capitalism killed Journalism?

by Lorraine Rekmans When I was a young reporter working at a small town newspaper in 1989, the challenges to cover local news effectively and...

Yesterday once more

And so we head into the last couple of weeks of 2021. Rather like 2020, we may be glad to see the back of...