All that glitters

“Asteroid that could make everyone on Earth a billionaire confirmed to be exploded this year.” Sometimes, reading something stupid online makes one want to...

Pressing on

What a strange world we’re living in. One day, history books will be written about these days and the amazing global experience we’re all...

Whispering hope

It may not seem that there are any silver linings to the Covid-19 cloud that hangs over the world, but there may be more...

We have to be alone…but don’t be lonely

There are a few overwhelming messages we are hearing these days from the media, world leaders, and even many celebrities. We’ve all heard it...
The NG Times Newspaper

Tell me why

In the good old days, elections were fought on platforms, real platforms, made of planks, where candidates stood and made speeches and answered the...

Every breath you take

I have written a number of times before in this space of the concerns I have about social media platforms. Yes, it’s nice to...

There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in

by Lorraine Rekmans This has been a good first week for me as the Editor.  I was so pleased to see all the respectful citizens...

I remember you

It’s all about remembering on Remembrance Day, and phrases are used so easily: “Lest we forget”, or “We shall remember them”.These kind of sayings...
The NG Times Newspaper

Just a song before I go

By the time you read this, dear reader, yours truly will, in the grace of God, be far away from North Grenville, and even...

Helplessly Hoping

As we face the oncoming Winter and grope our way towards the promise of Spring, by February, the cold and snow will seem to...