The NG Times Newspaper

He ain’t heavy..he’s my brother

Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, well-known Irish-American politician, once said: “To be Irish is to know that, in the end, the world will break your...

My little town

A community is only as strong as its people. With the right men and women, a cold and faceless subdivision of ticky-tacky houses can...
The NG Times Newspaper

Safety should be a priority

It’s always kind of exciting when Kemptville gets in the news. I always loved to hear The Branch get mentioned on the CBC’s All...

A thought on Democracy

As you may have noticed, the North Grenville Times has dedicated a section of the paper to Merrickville-Wolford. It was, of course, the idea...

Close to the edge

How about this for political discourse: “Our...opponents are driven by hatred, prejudice and rage. They want to destroy you and they want to destroy...
The NG Times Newspaper

Are you ready?

It didn’t take a prophet to predict that 2018 was going to be a really interesting year in politics. With both a provincial election...

Working and waiting

Hard to believe anything could take the headlines away from Covid-19, but the proposed Greater Ottawa Correctional Facility has done it. The announcement on...
North Grenville Missile Defense

North Grenville missile defense ready to go

North Grenville missile defense ready to go. Don’t Panic! Steps have been taken to protect us from unexpected missile attacks from either side. The photo here was taken...

We can work it out

Readers will notice a rather excited exchange in the Letters section this week, as some correspondents dissect what they saw as a misleading, if...

Everybody hurts

Before Covid, before Brexit, before Ukraine, before Trump and all the other disasters that have hit the world, it seems we were all sleep-walking...