13.4 C

Walking down the line

by Nancy Peckford When we moved to North Grenville six years ago, we decided to buy a house in Old Town Kemptville. Apart from its...

True patriot laziness, grumpiness, and freedom

Remembrance Day is fast approaching in two short days. We don’t claim to “celebrate” Remembrance Day, but instead, we “commemorate” it, which really means...

Maybe I’m amazed

You know how some birthdays or anniversaries seem to matter more than others? They’re usually the one with a zero at the end, like...

Thoughts on International Women’s Day

by Nancy Peckford On behalf of myself and my Council colleagues, we join with communities across Canada, and around the world, to celebrate International Women’s...

Are we really sheep?

Remember when we used to travel? So many times, at the airport, I was removed from the lineup up at the security gate for...
The NG Times Newspaper

Money, money, money

This may not be common knowledge, but municipalities are in their annual budget deliberations. Every year, municipal staff and councils have to find ways...


There is a saying that I’ve often heard among veterans: "The real heroes are the ones who didn’t come home". I understand what they...

A lonely pizza slice

I love a good riddle, don’t you? Here’s one: “I am valuable, but I am hated. I am sought after, but I am chased...

Good ol’ Maslow

“Won’t somebody please think of the children!?” Such a classic line never gets old, and I would say it aptly summarizes probably about 95%...

Happy Earth Day Earthlings!

Please forgive me. It wasn't my intention to write another editorial about sustainability, but tomorrow is Earth Day, and I just couldn't help myself. Here...