Food Corner

By Paul Cormier, Salamanders of Kemptville I am amazed at the number of people I have spoken to who don’t know how to make and...
Campus Greenhouse

Claude’s Gardening and Landscaping Forum

featuring Claude Smith Dear Claude,  My roses lose their leaves after blooming - what am I doing wrong? From Sandy The first thing that comes to mind is...

Food Corner

by Paul Cormier, Salamanders of Kemptville Back to school usually means quicker cooking at dinner time. At our house, mein frau Beth just puts a...

North Grenville Environmental Action Advisory Committee sets its direction

John Palmer on behalf of the EACC There is an almost perfect alignment that thefirst meeting of the North Grenville Environmental Action Advisory Committee (EAAC)...

Baldwin’s Birds

Good day Dear Readers, I hope you are all healthy and well and starting to relax a little, as more of us reach the ultimate...

OFA targets leadership recruitment as a pillar for building strong organizations and communities

What makes Ontario’s agri-food industry strong is the abundance of strong, confident and spirited farmers we have leading our organizations and businesses, striving towards...
Claude Smith

Claude’s Gardening and Landscaping Forum

By Claude Smith Dear Claude, My Pencil Cactus seems, since I brought it in, to be dropping branches. Should I be concerned? From Cactus Mom. This...

OFA reminds farmers to ensure accuracy of assets when renewing farm insurance

by Jackie Kelly-Pemberton, Director, OFA Farming is regularly influenced and impacted by adverse conditions and unique situations. A level of risk is also assumed within...

Christmas blizzard stopped trucks, forces farmers to dump 1.7 million litres of milk

by Nelson Zandbergen Courtesy of Farmers Forum Ontario dairy farmers dumped about 1.7 million litres of milk due to the Christmas weekend blizzard that left roads...

The Food Corner

by Paul Cormier, Salamanders of Kemptville Moving along with soups, how about a Seafood Chowder? I made up a batch last Friday and it was...