OFA celebrates farming and food on Canada’s Agriculture Day

By Sara Wood, Director, Ontario Federation of Agriculture February 22 was Canada’s Agriculture Day – an annual event that brings both consumers and farmers together...

Food Corner

by Paul Cormier, Salamanders of Kemptville Baked Brie is another one of our family's favourites. We use it as an appetizer, but you can certainly...

Food Corner

by Paul Cormier, Salamanders of Kemptville I love rice of every kind: Basmati, brown, white, purple even. Now, down South in Cajun country, they make...

The Food Corner

by Paul Cormier of Salamanders, Kemptville This recipe is adapted from a terrific book entitled Out of Old Nova Scotia Kitchens, by Marie Nightingale. It...

Food Corner

by Paul Cormier, Salamanders of Kemptville Sometimes, the simplest dishes give the most pleasure. Such is the case with Ma Cormier’s Carrot Salad, a personal...

Christmas blizzard stopped trucks, forces farmers to dump 1.7 million litres of milk

by Nelson Zandbergen Courtesy of Farmers Forum Ontario dairy farmers dumped about 1.7 million litres of milk due to the Christmas weekend blizzard that left roads...

The Triumph of the Bromes

submitted by Fred Schueler, Fragile Inheritance Natural History Brandon Mayer’s recent article “Weed Spraying Facts” provides facts about the excuses that are used for roadside...

This is a marathon, not a sprint

by Jennifer Doelman, Director, Ontario Federation of Agriculture As we persevere through yet another lockdown, the public health crisis of COVID-19 has turned into a...

OFA and partners searching for sustainable solutions for deadstock

by Paul Maurice, Director, Ontario Federation of Agriculture For livestock farmers, it’s an unfortunate reality that sometimes, animals die on the farm from causes beyond...

Greening Green Energy

by Philip Fry After weeks of little response, I have been overwhelmed with informative and encouraging messages, some brief and focused, others full of exciting...