Merrickville 225:Those were the days

With talk of municipal amalgamations being heard in various quarters today, it is always interesting to look back to a time when the Township...

The Making of a Province: Political refugees

These days, people often think of the United Empire Loyalists as a rather elitist organisation, a throwback to a more Imperial and aristocratic time....


It had it all: the initial incident and then the cover-up. The involvement of political influence at the highest level. Disappearing evidence and prosecution...

An Established Church

When the Province of Upper Canada, later Ontario, was established by the Constitutional Act of 1791, it was assumed that the Church of England...
The NG Times Newspaper

Treaty Facts

Did you know that when the Royal Proclamation was passed in 1763, almost all of present-day Ontario was recognized as “Indian Territory”, and Europeans...

Christmas Effects

Christmas has a fascinating effect on people in all sorts of situations. The famous “Christmas Truce” in 1914 is one example. As Christmas Day...

The Harp and the Maple Leaf

The impact of the Irish on Canada goes well beyond the immigrants who arrived here in droves throughout the Nineteenth Century. Most of those...

Burritts Rapids and a problem in history

In order to write history, historians need reliable sources. Unless you have information, dependable and supported by documents, letters, diaries, maps or whatever, it...

“Discover the story behind every door” Maplewood Hall, Oxford Mills

Maplewood Community Hall has been at the centre of life in the hamlet since it first opened as a school in 1875. In its...
G. Howard Ferguson

G. Howard Ferguson 1: Wild young man

In a series on Sons and Daughters, it is impossible not to notice G. Howard Ferguson. This local boy made good was Ontario’s ninth...