The NG Times Newspaper

Feelin’ groovy

Are we starting to feel a little vulnerable yet? It’s been quite a week, month, season... The Climate Change deniers are having to scramble...
The NG Times Newspaper

History and hysteria

It is not often that History is as much in the news as it has been for the past few weeks. Sadly, there has...
The NG Times Newspaper

What a wonderful world

Louis Armstrong sang a lovely song, one that makes people smile and sigh happily, no doubt. These days, I find myself saying the words...
The NG Times Newspaper

Garbage in, Garbage out

Computers are strange things, aren’t they? I mean, we give them such respect and authority, as if they were somehow more reliable and knowledgeable...
The NG Times Newspaper

In the year 2525

Things change rapidly in this world of ours. Climate change, elections surprises, and so many other things, make one wonder where we’ll be in...
The NG Times Newspaper

Eve of Destruction

Has something very important been broken in the world? Is it my imagination, or have we reached a new low in human relations and...
The NG Times Newspaper

A Bridge of Hope

Greetings from small town America! Right now, I am sitting on a boat along the banks of the Mohawk River on a stretch of...
The NG Times Newspaper


In the immortal words of the Brothers Gibb (Bee Gees, to you), “it’s only words, and words are all I have...”. Or, as Hamlet...
The NG Times Newspaper

Education Minister playing games with communities

The spin which was being put on Education Minister Mitzie Hunter’s statements gave a very inaccurate impression of what is happening in rural schools...
The NG Times Newspaper

Who speaks for you?

That grand philosopher, Heraclitus (not the one from Burritt’s Rapids, the Greek one), once said that the only constant thing in life is change....