The NG Times Newspaper

Carry that weight

The Times recorded an interview with Ken Gehrels, a volunteer with the group Refugees in North Grenville which was posted on our Facebook...
The NG Times Newspaper

I Can See Clearly Now

One of the great buzz words in recent elections at the municipal level has been “transparency”. Every candidate seems to promise that, should they...

Everybody knows

When we started the NG Times, we called it “The Voice of North Grenville” because we wanted it to be just that. It seemed...

Don’t fence me in

Now, I’m saying nothing. This is just speculation built on conjecture founded on rumour and, yes, a few interesting hints from various sources. But...

The time that is given to us

It’s odd how things can come together in your mind (my mind, anyway). A few days ago, we marked Thanksgiving, a time when families...

Political world

Historians used to have an approach that was called The Great Man Theory. This said that the really powerful motivating factor in history were...

Dancing in the dark

It seems that the speculation about the future of Kemptville College will not be easily stopped. In spite of continual reassurances from municipal staff...
The NG Times Newspaper

Dazed and confused

This is a very confusing time of the year. On the one hand, we’re all looking forward to Christmas and all that means. On...

All progress is good progress

It is that time of year again? Are education worker labour strikes looming? I’m being funny, of course, as labour contracts in the education...
The NG Times Newspaper

Floods, fires and the future

How exceptional is the recent warm weather, with its record high temperatures around the world? As places as far apart as Japan, London and...