Don’t fence me in

Now, I’m saying nothing. This is just speculation built on conjecture founded on rumour and, yes, a few interesting hints from various sources. But...

Blowing in the Wind

A small act of resistance was offered by the North Grenville Municipal Council recently to the tidal wave that has been sweeping renewable energy...

Coat of many colours

No matter what part of the political spectrum you may occupy, it is always a shock to realise that the “others”, the ones you...


March 25th marked a historic date in the House of Commons in its 154-year history. It was the first time in our history that...

Political world

Historians used to have an approach that was called The Great Man Theory. This said that the really powerful motivating factor in history were...

This magic moment

Council was working overtime last week, meeting on two consecutive nights to hear presentations from twenty organisations, individuals and groups seeking a Community Grant...

New Home in the Sun

by Rachel Everett-Fry, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter “Well, I dreamed I saw the silver spaceships flying, In the yellow haze of the sun, There were...
The NG Times Newspaper


Something happened last week in our municipal elections, we’re just not sure yet what it was. There was a fear in some quarters that...

My generation

It may be because I am so tired of political news, from Trudeau to Trump, from Brexit to Doug Ford, that I decided to...

Tis the season to be normalish

Christmas is on the horizon. Such a wonderful time of year! The holiday season brings joy for many reasons, but first and foremost is...