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The NG Times Newspaper

Don’t follow leaders

Publishing a local newspaper has its ups and downs. On the up side, you get to meet some great people, people who make this...
The NG Times Newspaper

Teach your children

We have just marked a special Remembrance Day: the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I. As always, the phrase that was...

Isn’t life strange?

Yes, indeed. The Moody Blues were asking the right question way back when. Isn’t life strange? No stranger than it has been for some...

Another year over….

Happy New year to all! And just one week into 2020, I want to make a definite resolution: no variation of “2020 vision”, or...

Yes, don’t do that

I have a love-hate relationship with social media. I hate that for some, it has replaced what I might call “real human interaction”, and...

Rights and privileges

There are certain rights and freedoms we value in Canada, perhaps especially in North Grenville. After all, we have had experience in the past...

It’s a small world after all

Who would have thought that the response to having viable vaccines against covid-19 could be a source of discord and introduce a new form...
The NG Times Newspaper

What a wonderful world

Louis Armstrong sang a lovely song, one that makes people smile and sigh happily, no doubt. These days, I find myself saying the words...

We’ve only just begun

In a rather fortuitous sharing of minds, I was about to write an article on the municipality’s Advisory Committees, when a letter to the...

All that glitters

“Asteroid that could make everyone on Earth a billionaire confirmed to be exploded this year.” Sometimes, reading something stupid online makes one want to...