The NG Times Newspaper

IPM traffic: Was it good or bad?

As often happens in small towns, there is a great debate currently taking place, in this case about the International Plowing Match and Rural...

Local storm chaser heads to NS to experience Hurricane Fiona

Hello! I’m Connor Mockett, a storm chaser and photographer based out of Winchester, Ontario, and I went to Nova Scotia to get hit by...
The NG Times Newspaper

The right direction

Canada’s second annual Truth and Reconciliation Day has now come and gone. It is just one of many days in Canada intended to celebrate...

Full House!

Having just returned from an enjoyable but wet morning, watching and photographing the horses pulling manned, or hand guided, ploughs at the IPM, I...

I’ve Heard some Geese a’honkin”!

The sad Royal events of the past week have overshadowed my garden bird viewing, somewhat, but life still goes on in that respect, even...

Reflections from Nova Scotia

At the end of August, I had the pleasure of going on a vacation with my family to the east coast, where I discovered...

Tax-free First Time Home Savings Account

By Cole Seabrook, Financial Advisor O’Farrell Wealth & Estate Planning | Assante Capital Management Ltd. The Canadian Government is introducing a new investment account to help young...

Baldwin’s Birds

Ooh, those blasted wasps! Having mentioned the Baltimore Oriole previously, I felt that I should at least provide a picture of it, which I am...

An unexpected correspondence

The Editor of a newspaper can expect to receive letters from a wide variety of sources: individuals, organisations, governments, etc. But correspondence usually comes...

Baldwin’s Birds Holidays are over!

A months worth of grass growth greeted us back, after a month of scorching hot weather in the UK. Instantly gone were the memories...