Letters to the editor

Letter to the Editor – Universal Basic Income

Dear Editor,  Congratulations! You are obviously very clever to have achieved so much. I think, however, there are many people who, for various reasons, do...
Letters to the editor

Letter to the Editor – Thank You

Dear Editor, Rain, Rain, Rain.  Thank you so much to the drivers on Concession Road, Friday morning March 26.  I was walking my two dogs...
Letters to the editor

Letter to the Editor – Thank You

Dear Editor, First, I want to extend my congratulations to you, and all the NG Times staff, and participating supporters, for this major milestone. Kudos. Second,...
The NG Times Newspaper

Letter to the Editor – Thank You

Dear Editor, This is the hardest thank you note that I have ever had to write. My heart is filled with gratitude to so many people...
Letters to the editor

Letter to the Editor – Housing

Dear Editor, Why do our municipal representatives not push back on anything? There is a huge need for affordable housing in North Grenville yet developers...
Letters to the editor

Letter to the Editor – Face Masks

Dear Editor, In comparison with what we hear about communities in other places (mostly far away), North Grenville residents and businesses can be praised for...
Letters to the editor

Letter to the Editor – Dogs & Businesses

Dear Editor, There is a small but important feature of our community that warrants recognition. That is the fact that several local businesses allow and...
Letters to the editor

Letter to the Editor – New Sidewalks Requested

Dear Editor, I moved to Kemptville five years ago as a caregiver to a disabled senior. She required a walker and as we moved around...
Letters to the editor

Letter to the Editor – Social Media

Dear Editor, Disheartened, Sad, Frustrated and Overwhelmed I do not engage on social media to either fuel or squelch fires. I try every day, even in...
Letters to the editor

Letter to the Editor – Using First Names

Dear Editor, May I call you Brandon? Not really, but I'm trying to make a point here. While I enjoy reading your news reporting, and...