The Food Corner


by Paul Cormier, Salamanders of Kemptville

When Beth and I were in our teens, we used to treat ourselves to Chinese food. Back then, it was what we called “red sauce” Chinese: Sweet and Sour Chicken Balls, Spare Ribs and Chicken Fried Rice. This was a far cry from the excellent cuisine available today, with Dim Sum as one of our favourites for family outings. However, one recipe hasn’t changed and it is still robust and tasty and that is Egg Drop soup. Thank goodness, nutritionists have finally understood the value of the humble egg as a staple in our diets. Egg Drop Soup is a quick way to feed a family on the go: to karate lessons, hockey practices, school events and anything else you provide taxi service for. This very simple recipe serves 4.

Egg Drop Soup


  • 4 cups of chicken broth (available in 1 litre containers at your local grocers
  • 3 tablespoons of soya sauce (low salt is better)
  • 1 very thinly sliced green onion (3 tablespoons of chopped chives are ok also)
  • 2 extra large eggs
  • 4 Danish rusks (optional)


  1. In a glass bowl, combine the broth and soya sauce
  2. In a separate bowl, whisk the egg yolks and whites until well mixed
  3. Place the bowl with the broth and soya sauce in the microwave and cover
  4. Bring the mixture to a boil and remove
  5. Slowly pour the egg mixture in a steady stream into the broth
  6. Place in separate bowls and serve right away
  7. If you wish, you can float a Danish rusk on top of your soup

The advantage of this recipe is if your smallest child (probably named Oliver) cries out “More”, you can comply within a few minutes. However, the idea is to feed your gang and get them out the door and into the van as quickly as you can. Take care and be in touch at


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