Letter to the Editor – Garbage Collection Calendar


Dear Editor,

I am writing to ask, considering it has not already been covered, writing a story about how the Garbage Collection Calendar should be improved. We moved to Kemptville four years ago and still we do not have it straight. The municipality has taken something so simple and made it so convoluted. It has 3/4 of my neighbours guessing each week as well. It becomes the domino effect, with someone placing the wrong item, and it spirals that everyone follows suit. I do not know why, as I get older, I can’t remember the week before. So my resource is the Garbage Collection Calendar on the Municipality’s website. OMG, you have to find your Zone, zoom in, read the fine print, then go to a weekly calendar that talks about Fiber and Plastics, and I have yet to notice when “Garbage” is collected… it indicates ” every other week”??

Who thought of this process? My simple mind just needs clear instruction. How about the simplest method like the City of Ottawa … just enter your municipal address and it tells you… I guess it takes all the mystery and fun out of it. 

You ask anyone in Grenville about the calendar and they laugh.

Thank you for your consideration.

A confused citizen



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