It’s the small things


As I begin to recover from my hip operation, I find it’s the small things that people do that make a big difference in someone’s life or day. Two things, out of many that I would like to mention.

One of my first outings after the operation was to a restaurant with my husband. Small thing pre-op, but major accomplishment for me afterwards. My husband dropped me off in front of the doors, while he went to park the car, with strict instructions not to move until he could assist me.

So I stood there by the door with my cane, and before my husband had time to assist me, a client inside the restaurant saw me from inside and rushed out to assist. Thank you ‘David” (he was also called David as is my husband), a small thing but it stays with me.

As I become more mobile and am able to drive myself around, I was at the B&H to pick up a few things. My husband was away all week, so I had no choice. I picked up more than I could carry, so I decided to take the trolley out with me to my car. As I reached the exit door, a woman asked me if she could help me with my bag, noticing my cane. “Of course”, I said, quite pleased with the help. It’s a small thing but the thought of walking to my car with the trolley and then having to return it was more steps than I cared to do that day. As she lifted the paper bag it tore, and without a thought she rushed over to her car and provided me with a proper bag and then carried it to my car. (No I never did get that handicap sticker). The bonus for me was that she had a French accent and I was able to converse with her in French, a language I do not practice enough. I asked her for her phone number or address so I could return the pretty bag with cats on it, but she told me to keep it.

Sometimes we become blind to people, so wrapped up with our own busy lives, we fail to notice others around us and perhaps don’t think (or are afraid to offer) assistance. Those two people, among others, have stayed in my heart. It’s those small random acts of strangers that can truly make your day.

If you have stories you wish to share, please don’t hesitate to send them to me at


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