The NG Times Newspaper

Hospital workers to protest at Steve Clark’s office

Much of the goodwill that the Conservative Government of Ontario has won during the course of the Covid-19 pandemic may be somewhat diluted in...

Autorisation du port du sac à dos dans les écoles du CECCE

Cher parent, tutrice ou tuteur, La présente est pour vous informer que les sacs à dos seront permis dans les écoles catholiques du Centre-Est à...
The NG Times Newspaper

Local builders finalists in Tarion Annual Awards

Two local home builders were named finalists in two categories of the Tarion Warranty Corporation’s Annual Awards for Ontario’s top-rated home builders 2020 Homeowners’...
The NG Times Newspaper

Montague residents petition against recreation feasibility study

Two Montague residents are spearheading a petition to stop the municipality from moving forward with a recreation feasibility study. At the Committee of the...

North Grenville Business Support Programs expanded

The Municipality of North Grenville has expanded its business support program to assist entrepreneurs in the community in the wake of COVID-19. “My Council colleagues...
The NG Times Newspaper

The mystery of Tom Chu

There has been some discussion on our Facebook page recently about the grave in the Kemptville Union Cemetery where a Chinese man, Tom Chu,...
The NG Times Newspaper

Bringing colour and joy

The first batch of nests have been completed and the new young ones have hatched, fledged and flown. Here are just a few pictures...
The NG Times Newspaper

Renewal of the waterfront at the Rotary Park

by Paul Cormier Anyone visiting the Municipal dock across from the Library will have noticed some huge improvements to the downtown’s Waterfront at the Rideau...
The NG Times Newspaper

COVID-19 impacts children’s mental health

With the little information we have about COVID-19, it seems like the virus tends to favour the older generation, with more seniors getting severely...
Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario

Catholic School Board releases re-opening plan

The Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario has now posted its School Re-entry Plan on its web site, which includes important information for...