Dr. Ireland named Chief Veterinary Officer and Delegate to the World Organisation for Animal...

Dr. Mary Jane Ireland has been named, by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), the Chief Veterinary Officer for Canada and World Organisation for...

North Grenville Municipal Centre Welcomes Students to access Internet for School-related Activities

Beginning Monday, November 2nd, the Municipality of North Grenville will welcome students into the North Grenville Municipal Centre (South arena entrance) to access free internet...

Baxter Conservation Area has some mixed news

Baxter Conservation Area launched its new Forest School on September 14, and already the program has filled up fast! The forest school caters to...

Loretta Corbeil leads new strategic plan

Loretta Corbeil has been hired to lead the refresh of the Leeds and Grenville Immigration Strategy. Loretta has over twenty-five years working in the nonprofit...
The NG Times Newspaper

Is good, good enough?

submitted by Victor Jarjour For some reason, I cannot get out of my mind Brandon Mayer’s editorial of November 3 entitled “Much to be Proud...

What is happening with social media?

Does anyone need their air ducts cleaned? Seriously, anyone? Homeowners in our local area are exceedingly lucky in that we have somewhere in the...

OPP investigate discovery in the South Branch

OPP have closed the road at the junction of County Roads 18 and 20 after what appears to be a body was taken from...

The romance of history

While we mark Canada 150, a local resident celebrated something older, an amazing story of a family that has been part of North Grenville...

Cut the apron strings

“Nothing much happens in small towns”, as they say. Whoever “they” refers to, I’m sure that they don’t mean to suggest that small towns...
The NG Times Newspaper

Wherefore & Why:

 by Peter Johnson  Sometimes, we encounter people who are so overly-assured of their knowledge of all things, that they can be overly so—or as a...