Staying Well During Cold and Flu Season – Healthy Eating

by Danielle Labonte, Registered Dietitian and Public Health Nutritionist, LGLDHU Cold and flu season is here, which often brings up conversations about our immune systems...

Diabetes Educators at KDH provide support for people with Diabetes

Julia Hicks R.D., C.D.E., Diabetes Dietitian Educator To mark World Diabetes Day 2020, November 14, the Diabetes Education & Support Program at Kemptville District Hospital...

Shaking: An annoyance or Parkinson’s Disease?

It’s fair to say, these are shaky times! In keeping with the rocky ride of 2020, have you noticed your hands shaking lately? Are...

Staying Well During Cold and Flu Season – The Immune System and Supplements

by Danielle Labonte, Registered Dietitian and Public Health Nutritionist, Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit Cold and flu season is here, which often brings...

Is staying active enough?

by Richard Chartrand Many people believe that, if they are active, doing things like gardening, that they do not require formal exercise. In fact, when...

Farmer mental wellness

by Teresa Van Raay, Director, Ontario Federation of Agriculture If someone asks, “how are you doing?”, do you want to throw something at them, or...

You are not alone

by Tammy Zollinger “1 in 5 Canadians will experience a mental health problem, or illness in any given year” - The Leeds, Grenville & Lanark...

Why Do Health Inequities Persist?

There’s an old adage that “when white folks catch a cold, black folks get pneumonia.” The COVID-19 epidemic has made it deadly clear. Throughout...

Did Radiation Protect President Carter from Pancreatic Cancer?

by W. Gifford-Jones, MD and Diana Gifford-Jones What do former U.S. President Jimmy Carter and Gifford-Jones have in common? They were both born the same...

Unripe apples protect from threat of a fatty liver

by W. Gifford-Jones, MD and Diana Gifford-Jones Worried about having too many alcoholic drinks during the coronavirus pandemic? Think you’re on the way to liver...