What you should know about a silent heart attack

Lao Tzu, the Chinese philosopher, wrote that “Silence is a source of great strength.” Possibly sound advice in some situations. But for people who’ve...

Healthy Eating for the New Year

by Danielle Labonte, MAN, RD, Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit All Foods Fit All foods can be part of a healthy eating pattern, provided you...

Stay with the happy people

This year, the holidays aren’t what they should be. At least the vaccine’s roll-out brings anticipation that 2021 will see a return to normal....

Food Labelling

by Marie Traynor, Registered Dietitian and Public Health Nutritionist at the Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit This holiday season will be very different...

How would you treat your own mother?

It was 1949 and I was making rounds at the Massachusetts General Hospital with Professor Edward D. Churchill, an original thinker who taught medical...
The NG Times Newspaper

Slowing Metabolism causing fat gain as you age? Muscle Loss in Disguise.

(excerpted from https://www.strength-space.com/post/slowing-metabolism) Drawn out, low intensity exercise can derail your diet plans by giving you an insatiable appetite and cravings. Sensible eating is key,...

Measure your coronary risk with the Omega-3 Index

Heart disease is a leading cause of death in North America. Almost half of all U.S. adults have some type of cardiovascular disease, and...

People in pain need protection from false pot promotion

What’s the worst kind of pain? At the top of the list is debilitating chronic pain that, despite painkillers and other treatments, is unrelenting,...

Staying well during cold and flu season

by Danielle Labonte, Registered Dietitian and Public Health Nutritionist, Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit Immune system and Winter vegetables To learn which vegetables and...

Take steps to relieve chronic stress

Nothing can be more heart wrenching than the sudden death of a loved one. The visualization of a wrench tightening on the heart is...