Heritage is people!

This week Ontario is celebrating Heritage, one of the more understated weeks in the Ontario calendar, unfortunately. For many people, the word “Heritage” refers...
Ferguson Forest Centre

Coming back to you

There is an intriguing mix of news in this issue of the Times. On the one hand, there’s a very positive piece from Mayor,...

There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in

by Lorraine Rekmans This has been a good first week for me as the Editor.  I was so pleased to see all the respectful citizens...
The NG Times Newspaper

All together now

Well, we’ve done it. We’ve chosen a group of people to make decisions on our behalf for the next four years. As always, there...


There was a genuine touch of irony in the news that, just the day before the public “consultation” was to be held regarding the...

Both sides now

Have you noticed that the world is becoming a little grumpy these days? A little tetchy, prone to irritation and hitting out? The whole...

Slow train coming

Can it be true: are we to be free again to meet and eat and drink and laugh and tell stories and sing songs?...

The circle game

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been hearing from a lot of people who are really quite tired of the debates about the...

Tolerance is key

Here at the North Grenville Times, we get lots of Letters to the Editor. I read many of the letters and, while I don’t...
The NG Times Newspaper

For what it’s worth

Last week’s coverage of the Kemptville BIA Budget issue seems to have generated some heat, as well as some light. It will be remembered...