Whispering hope

It may not seem that there are any silver linings to the Covid-19 cloud that hangs over the world, but there may be more...
The NG Times Newspaper

My little town

North Grenville is a happening place these days. In this issue, we have articles about the salaries of municipal managers, the Police Services Board,...

Climate Change: A northern perspective

Over the past few months, there has been a lot of talk and debate in this newspaper about climate change. Some people have warned...

Happy Earth Day Earthlings!

Please forgive me. It wasn't my intention to write another editorial about sustainability, but tomorrow is Earth Day, and I just couldn't help myself. Here...

Another brick in the wall

There is one aspect to the entire Shop Locally campaign these days that has been somewhat neglected. It is really assuring to note that,...

Tolerance is key

Here at the North Grenville Times, we get lots of Letters to the Editor. I read many of the letters and, while I don’t...

The honourable know best

How much does an election vote really count for? I have often wondered that, as I’m sure many others have as well. It is...
The NG Times Newspaper

Who speaks for you?

That grand philosopher, Heraclitus (not the one from Burritt’s Rapids, the Greek one), once said that the only constant thing in life is change....
The NG Times Newspaper

What is truth?

Did you hear the latest? Apparently,.... But wait a minute. Is this news, or fake news? Fake news: the new term we’ve all learned...

Strange fruit

This is our annual Heritage Week issue, marking Heritage Week in Ontario, and Heritage Month in North Grenville. Clearly, heritage is a big deal...