The NG Times Newspaper

Money, money, money

This may not be common knowledge, but municipalities are in their annual budget deliberations. Every year, municipal staff and councils have to find ways...
The NG Times Newspaper

What is truth?

Did you hear the latest? Apparently,.... But wait a minute. Is this news, or fake news? Fake news: the new term we’ve all learned...


by Nancy Peckford My maternal grandmother was a remarkable woman. Born into an impoverished fishing family on the southwest coast of Newfoundland, she had seen...

Editorial: A Municipal Wish List

This is the season for wishes, so let us make some municipal wishes. Our wishes would include a municipal swimming pool, a cheese factory,...

True patriot laziness, grumpiness, and freedom

Remembrance Day is fast approaching in two short days. We don’t claim to “celebrate” Remembrance Day, but instead, we “commemorate” it, which really means...

The snowball keeps rolling

A recent study funded by the Government of Canada has answered a question that I’m sure had everyone on pins and needles – Do...

We have to be alone…but don’t be lonely

There are a few overwhelming messages we are hearing these days from the media, world leaders, and even many celebrities. We’ve all heard it...

A thought on Democracy

As you may have noticed, the North Grenville Times has dedicated a section of the paper to Merrickville-Wolford. It was, of course, the idea...

The spirit of giving up

One hallmark of the Christmas season is the number of campaigns that get underway to feed the hungry and help the homeless. I can’t...

Words between the lines of age

For someone whose life is centred on words, I sometimes find myself staggered by the complexity of the languages we speak. If the idea...