Close to the edge

How about this for political discourse: “Our...opponents are driven by hatred, prejudice and rage. They want to destroy you and they want to destroy...

My little town

A community is only as strong as its people. With the right men and women, a cold and faceless subdivision of ticky-tacky houses can...

Yesterday once more

I think the line between childish games and academic endeavour can be very hard to discern sometimes. Although academics often consider their particular field...

Confidentiality vs the need for transparency

A couple of weeks ago, many local news sources reported the loss of Brian Carré as North Grenville’s CAO. Brian had been CAO since 2012 and had become a staple...

Homeward Bound

It seemed best to some who know me that I leave North Grenville for a while. They’ll never find you in Ireland, was the...

A slap on the wrist

We did it. We made it through another election. We dealt with the plethora of lawn signs that dotted all the major routes in...

You can do better

I’ll admit it. In 2015 I voted for Justin Trudeau. After almost ten years of Conservative reign, I was excited by Trudeau’s “sunny ways”...

The time that is given to us

It’s odd how things can come together in your mind (my mind, anyway). A few days ago, we marked Thanksgiving, a time when families...

I read the news today

This is National Newspaper Week in Canada: a chance to think about the place of the print media in society today and the growing...

Which side are you on?

I suppose we have to accept the fact that we’re entering election season again (again!). After having three opportunities last year to express our...