Differences between airplane class sections

by Scott Waldron and Diane Wilson Flying has become an integral part of modern life, and for many, choosing the right class section on an airplane...

Health Unit warns to take precautions during high heat and humidity

A combination of heat and high humidity can be hazardous to your health. Conditions during high heat and humidity have the potential to cause...

Just for a (Horned) Lark!

Having struggled to think of garden bird things to write about for my last week’s article, the other day I, decided to venture out...

Solar Geoengineering is like pulling the goalie

by Ralph C. Martin During the financial crisis of 2008, I first heard about the possibility of solar geoengineering i.e. planes spraying sulphate particles high...

Mixed signals from Ontario regarding health workers

In a move to help hospitals recover revenues lost during the covid pandemic, the Ontario Government has  allocated $572.3 million to hospitals across Ontario...

Growing Food

Submitted by: Danielle Labonte, MPH, MAN, RD Registered Dietitian and Public Health Nutritionist Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit If land isn’t available or you...

North Grenville Covid Assessment Centre closure is inappropriate

submitted by Steve Gabell Ontario Greens local leader Steve Gabell released the following statement in response to the news that North Grenville Covid Assessment Centre...

How I got through the ‘winter blues’

by Lena Usovich I hate the cold. No matter how beautiful winter is, the cold and the lack of sun make me depressed. To me,...
The NG Times Newspaper

The Upside-down Bird

by John Baldwin We’ve got a cheeky little bird, who visits us, And always causes people to puzzle and to frown, Because he doesn’t know which side...

Change to GST could save billions in energy costs for Canadians

submitted by Canadian Propane Association As the Prime Minister meets with his federal cabinet to find ways to make life more affordable for Canadian families,...