Baldwin’s Birds

by John Baldwin The very changeable weather makes me wonder whether or not I should be sunny and bright, or just my usual self!? Just...

A business perspective on affordable housing

Local Realtor Wendy Embleton has a different perspective on affordable housing. As a commercial property specialist, she sees the issue from a business perspective,...
The NG Times Newspaper

Talking about a Revolution: Cause and Effect 2

Immediately after the crucifixion and burial of Jesus, his followers locked themselves away out of fear that they would be the next to be...
The NG Times Newspaper

It’s the talk of the season

Greetings North Gremlins, as well as those making big decisions for we 'gremlins’: this must be version # 25 or more of my annual...
The NG Times Newspaper

Federal and Provincial Funding for Municipalities

by Harmen Boersma Recently, the NG Times published interesting articles by Jim Bertram and Stephen Hammond on this topic. Stephen showed a list of five...

Let’s talk about income and health

Leeds, Grenville & Lanark District Health Unit Many people in our community don’t earn enough at their jobs to make ends meet and therefore face...

Garden Musings-Gardening through the Seasons

by Claudia Sutton "How wonderful the colour yellow is. It stands for the sun" As Summer Fades.......into Autumn, with cooling temperatures and richly coloured leaves, we...

Baldwin’s Birds

A very quiet time in the garden at present, except for our Blue Jay clan of six birds, who are our regular visitors, and...

A Partial Solar Eclipse

by Gary Boyle The Backyard Astronomer A few times each year, the sun, moon and Earth perform a cosmic lineup in space producing an eclipse. This...
The NG Times Newspaper

Time to build each other up

Due to an impending storm a few weeks ago, I had to cancel an appointment at the Ottawa Hospital Civic Campus. When talking to...