Baldwin’s Birds

Has Winter Gone Yet? April departed from us with a rather wet and windy, stinging blow, Ensuring that the first day of May arrived in a...
The NG Times Newspaper

Where do we go from here?

Mr. Ford: Can we clear a few things up? a) Are vaccines a good idea? I think you have been very clear on this...the answer...
The NG Times Newspaper

Myth understandings

An irregular column by David Shanahan This man lived just 33 years, spent most of it living in a small town in the Middle East,...
The NG Times Newspaper

Misunderstanding mythunderstanding

by David Shanahan When I first saw Don Palmer’s article in last week’s paper responding to one of mine on Intelligent Design, I was delighted...

Sparrow delights

Spring is bringing to us delightful surprises in the Avian world, which never seems to fail us, the other day being a good example....

Auntie Anabel

It’s been a tough couple of weeks heading up to this Canada Day. Lots of terrible news of late that’s likely got a lot...
The NG Times Newspaper

That’s not the way we used to do it!

by Bob Porteous Remember when we used to have to go outside to go to the toilet? Maybe some of you who were raised in...
The NG Times Newspaper

North Grenville marked the National Day of Remembrance for Victims of Terrorism

Mayor Nancy Peckford issued a statement on June 23 to commemorate the National Day of Remembrance for Victims of Terrorism. “Today, on the National Day...
The NG Times Newspaper

Student Nutrition Programs reach 40,000 + students across Eastern Ontario in 2020-21

Submitted by Upper Canada Leger Centre for Education and Training (UCLCET) School buildings and student programming sites have become more than just a destination for...