Communities in Bloom judges participate in tree planting

The Communities in Bloom judges helped plant an Autumn Blaze Maple tree outside the Merrickville Public Library last Wednesday. This was the end of...

Merrickville Remembers – 2018

Photos provided by Hilary Thomson 

Merrickville PS students participate in SuperWalk

by Christie LaBrash Our Parkinson’s fundraising journey at Merrickville Public School began with a small goal of raising awareness for kids’ mental health through examining...

New Merrickville-Wolford Council holds first meeting

The new council of Merrickville-Wolford held their first meeting on Monday, December 10. It was a relatively light meeting in terms of agenda items,...

Local firefighters get appreciation day

On Wednesday, May 4, people around the world celebrated International Firefighter Appreciation Day. An event hosted by Kemptville Retirement Living helped to make sure...

Rideau Canal saga

Nearly 190 years ago, on May 22, 1832, the steamboat, “Rideau”, also known by its nickname, “Pumper”, left the dock in Kingston to make...

Merrickville’s pioneer newspaper part 2

Thomas Alexander Parnell was very much a churchman of his time. In the nineteenth century, the Anglican Church in Canada saw itself as the...
The NG Times Newspaper

Merrickville-Wolford in Bloom hard at work over winter

Just because the flowers aren’t blooming doesn’t mean Merrickville-Wolford in Bloom is any less busy. Merrickville-Wolford in Bloom Chair, Chris Scullino, says the committee...

Resident expresses concern over lack of transparency in EDO reporting

The issue of the Village of Merrickville-Wolford’s former Economic Development Officer (EDO) came up again at the council meeting last Monday evening. Resident, Patricia...

Snowflake Festival for the Village

by Robyn Eagle, M-W and District Chamber of Commerce On any given year, you’ll find numerous events in Merrickville, bringing tourists and shoppers to enjoy...