Romance on the Road: Year Three


by Darrell Nunn

During the pandemic, NGCT, like everyone else, was housebound. Our spring and fall annual big productions ceased. What to do? We love performing plays. Fun ‘work’ is play!

Darrell Nunn, NGCT VP decided to rehearse three very small cast plays in members’ homes for our own entertainment. The casts did not know where, when, or even IF they would ever perform. 

The Prince play: Prince – Dominic Churchill; young princess – Yura Oudhoff; older psychiatrist – Roos Spaniers

Two of these plays became “Romance on the Road”, conceived as a travelling road show to small interested venues. It worked! This spring will be our third ‘Romance’, with a larger cast of fourteen.

The idea is simple: we provide the show, the host secures the venue, does its own publicity, and sells its own tickets to make some money for its own charitable purposes. We will do seven performances. In NG we will perform for:

 Friends of the Library, hosting at St. John’s United, 400 Prescott Street, Saturday, May 11, at 2 pm – contact

Oxford Mills Guiding Unit, hosting at Maplewood, 92 Maplewood Avenue, Oxford Mills,  Saturday, May 11 at 7 pm – contact the

St. James Anglican Church, 35 Clothier Street, Saturday, May 31 at 7:30 pm – contact

Thanks to a grant from the NG municipality, this year we are able to offer this comic production to volunteer organizations at a very modest cost. 

We will also be performing in Richmond (April 28, 2 pm, St. John’s Anglican), Osgoode (June 2, 2 pm, St. Paul’s), North Gower (June 1, 7 pm, United Church), and Pierce’s Corners (May 30, 7:30 pm).

A previous article on Life Drawing pointed out that NG “continues to evolve as a hub of arts and culture.” We strive to be part of that evolving hub.

What are the shows? An all-comedy mix of two one act plays interspersed with songs and story poems. The cast ranges in age from pre-teen to seventies! 

“Prince Charming’s Complaint”, Bruce Kane

The Prince is in his psychiatrist’s office, getting therapy after his three failed marriages to Rapunzel, Snow White, and Sleeping Beauty. The princesses provide an alternate commentary. 

“Overtones”, Alice Gerstenberg

Two society women are played by four actors, the ‘cultured’ and ‘primitive’ self of each. The two cultured selves pseudo-politely converse while their primitive alter egos reveal their true thoughts and feelings.

It has been a joy to have been so well received in the past two years. We sincerely hope that this year’s presentations will be equally enjoyed.


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