North Grenville joins with communities across Canada and around the world to mark the National Day of Mourning, also known as Workers’ Mourning Day, a day dedicated to remembering men and women who have lost their lives or suffered injury due to work-related tragedy. We also honour the many families and friends who have been deeply affected by these tragedies.

Canada was the first nation to recognize the day, and in 1991 the Day of Mourning became a national observance in Canada. Acknowledgement of the day has spread to many countries and is now observed throughout the world.

To honour the memory of those we have lost, Canadians will renew our commitment to improving health and safety in workplaces in our community and across the country, and by dedicating ourselves to preventing further injuries, illnesses, and deaths. We all long for a day when no Canadian worker leaves for work only to never return.

In North Grenville, in addition to remembering lives lost and injured, this day is an opportunity to remind employees and employers – across all sectors – to work together to ensure safe workplaces. Whether in government or business, we must all absolutely commit to keeping our workers safe.

On April 28th, the Municipality of North Grenville will join other communities across Canada in lowering our flags to half-mast in observance of this somber occasion. We also encourage all who can to observe a moment of silence at 11:00 a.m. to honour those lives lost or those devastated by injury at work. Please join and let this moment serve as a reminder to work towards our shared goal of protecting workers and preventing further workplace tragedies.


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