Local food system


by Dana Douglas, MScFN, RD, LG&L District Health Unit

The “food system” refers to everything and everybody that’s involved in growing, processing, acquiring, transporting, distributing, selling and disposing of food. One example of how the food system fits within our communities is through our local schools. When we think of all the pieces involved in the food system, we can see how food system thinking can be used for school curriculum in areas such as math, science, social science and reading. Local food can be considered in school fundraising efforts or hot meal programs. Another example is with faith based communities and social service clubs – they could use local food for fundraising and for the food used in social events. 

Our municipalities play an important role in supporting the local food system. For example, local governments can:

  • value, protect and enhance agricultural land and natural environments,
  • prioritize production, processing, storage and distribution of locally produced food,
  • protect safe and accessible surface and underground water resources,
  • ensure that food waste is reduced and/or reused (e.g., composting), and
  • support educational opportunities within the community for all ages to learn how to grow, purchase, cook and preserve healthy food.

For more information and to learn about our local food system, visit foodcoreLGL.ca.



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