Letter to the Editor – Stray Cats


Dear Editor,

Stray Cats 

Well, there are good people around who care and are connected. Ferguson Street has had many stray cats for many years. A few weeks ago, a caring neighbour, Judy, connected with Ottawa Stray Cats Organization staff member Katie and captured five cats with live traps overnight and during the day. The cats regularly gather at the south corner of Holmes and Ferguson Street where the strays usually feast on garbage and composting materials. Ottawa Stray Cats then neuter or spay the cats and re‑home them, if possible, or relocate them. There were four kittens and presumably one mother. Many neighbours had called the Municipality to ask what could or should be done, and the reply was that cats are not an issue to the Municipality and to try a rescue organization. I recall Cornwall had to do a major action campaign as a result of hundreds of stray cats. Anyone can donate to the Ottawa Stray Cats organization easily by e‑mail: rescue@oscatr.ca.

Thank you, Judy and Katie,

Lynne Ferguson‑Bourguignon



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