Letter to the Editor – Municipal Elections


Dear Editor,

John Barclay is an unusual and very special kind of person – truly empathetic, both passionate about the environment, and patient enough to work within government. I have often asked his advice in situations where the environment and local government seem to be opposed, making me frustrated and uncertain about how to proceed. John has never failed to make time to meet – to take time for an in-depth conversation.

John’s dream as videographer for the non-profit organization Triune has been to film our Fragile Inheritance expeditions into the wilderness. Starting closer to home, he has donated time and equipment to produce three videos to show how Fred and I combine Art and Science in conservation action. One of these we used successfully as a fundraiser for our trans Canada “Fragile Crossings Expedition” in 2014 as we surveyed each river crossing along the proposed route of the Energy East Pipeline.

John’s understanding of and experience with environmental concerns and the machinations of government is invaluable. His clear vision and wise advice has helped me to see the options – and usually the reasons for patience – as “government wheels turn slow.”

I hope that John is re-elected to Municipal Council, and remains on the Environmental Committee as well.


Aleta Karstad,
Fragile Inheritance
Bishops Mills



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