Letter to the Editor – COVIS-19 Vaccine Delivery


Dear Editor,

Is it just me, or does the delivery of this vaccine look like an episode of the Keystone Cops? 

General Hillier, I’m sure was a fine military commander, but what does he know about vaccines? The news changes daily. First, there was to be an ordered roll out of the vaccine on the basis of those in most need being a priority. I think most thought that this seemed to be the most sensible way to go about the delivery of the various vaccines. 

Our political leaders have dropped the ball by poorly negotiating access to our vaccine supply, which puts pressure on a timely delivery. At the same time, special interest groups are making their point to jump the queue and with no medical knowledge, politicians have decided to extend the time in between doses. As I understand it, this is contrary to the information provided by the vaccine manufacturers. All this is presumably to get some protection into arms and protect political reputations but substantially reduces the efficacy longer term. Canada is the only country in the world to adopt this policy. All this contrary to the Canada Health Act which mandates equal access to health care for all.

Neighbourhoods in Toronto are up in arms because they weren’t given a pharmacy vaccination clinic in their neighbourhood. We all know that the sun rises and sets on Toronto. But guess what the rest of the province have been given? Currently vaccines are being diverted to high risk area in Toronto. We, in Kemptville for example, would have to drive to Kingston to access a vaccine, but they are currently overbooked. 

At the end of the day, if you depend on the government to look after your best interests, you may be disappointed. Take matters into your own hands, get a vaccine as soon as you can, stay home when you can, keep social distancing and practice good hygiene. Stay safe.

Bill Kozak


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