submitted by Richard A. Savoy
KOC Youth Director

Over the past several years, many fraternal organizations, businesses, schools, churches, synagogues, and individuals have donated their time and money to the fight against the ever-present epidemic of substance abuse. One way to rectify this worldwide problem is through the spread of information.  Increasing public awareness concerning the dangers of drugs and alcohol through the cooperation of individuals and organizations has garnered significant results. Congratulations to our schools for another wonderful Substance Abuse Poster Contest – this year was our 12th annual content. The contest received over 150 works of art and posters with great  imaginations. The contest  has a winner for each topic – alcohol and substance abuse. Congratulations to South Branch Elementary with 3 winners of 100 dollars each. The students with the winning posters from South Branch Elementary School are:  in the 8 – 10 age group for substance abuse is Ivy Hutchins. Also from South Branch in the 11 – 13 age group for alcohol abuse is Meredith McCracken. Also from South Branch, the winner in the alcohol abuse topic, in the age group 8 – 10 is Harper Hutton. The final winner in the age group 11 – 13 years  for alcohol is Layla Smith from Holy Cross Catholic School. 

I would like to thank the Kemptville Knights of Columbus, Council 5333 for supporting the poster contest once again this year.

Judging for the contest took place on November 20 – check the next issue of the Times for photos!


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