Indigenous Trails Group


Eight individuals met at the History Hub in December to discuss commemoration of the First Nations’ lasting imprint upon the landscape by their traditional trails, portages, and waterways south of the Rideau River. Along these routes in Anishinaabek territory, Europeans were first guided to what we know as North Grenville and Merrickville-Wolford.

The discussion established a number of themes, further considered through online conversations.  The group, as yet to be named, acknowledges we are on Anishinaabek territory. The outreach to the Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation will be fostered with timely updates, and their assertion of title confirmed.

Given many roads originated in whole or in part as trails and portages, identifying, mapping, and naming trails and portages linking water routes would be a primary objective.  Charting traditional First Nation resources, and use First Nation names where possible, are important.  Public outreach will include an online presence, handheld maps, informative signage, and the use of QR codes.

To introduce this organization, a delegation will attend a North Grenville Municipal Council meeting.  A future event will be held to raise public awareness. Local museums, archives, historical societies, schools, and post-secondary institutions will be contacted.

A follow-up meeting is in the works.


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