Dealing with the clutter…..

It’s spring!  We love to see the tulips and daffodils poking through the soil and the buds coming out on lilac trees.  But if you’re anything like me, your thoughts also turn to spring cleaning.  Suddenly, we notice the dirt, grime and clutter that’s built up in our garages, cars, yards and homes.  

So we get to work and start sorting through all the stuff that seems to work its way into our living spaces.  We find clothes that we know don’t fit or we no longer like; we find piles of books cluttering the floor; toys, dishes, tools, appliances, lawn furniture, pictures, linens – you name it, we seem to gather it over the winter and then wonder what to do with it in the spring.

Coming up in June is a fabulous opportunity to give away your unwanted, but still useful, items and also contribute to the health of our whole community.  

Hey Day will be held again, for the 61st time, at the North Grenville Municipal Centre. What is a ‘Hey Day’?  It’s one of Eastern Ontario’s largest indoor garage sales, a fundraiser for the Kemptville District Hospital, organized by the hospital’s Auxiliary team, and run entirely by volunteers from our community.

All proceeds from Hey Day go to the Hospital which has embarked on a project to get a CT scanner, introducing a huge benefit for the entire district. 

To be successful, we need over 200 volunteers to help receive and sort donations, organize and run the sale tables, direct traffic, help with cleanup, and do the dozens of tasks needed to hold such a big event. But it won’t be successful without donations of items to sell. So, we’re asking you to look through your homes and donate items that are in good condition and that others will want to buy. Please don’t donate items that are broken, stained, or in disrepair because we have to pay to dispose of them.

Donations can be dropped off at the North Grenville Municipal Centre on:

– Wednesday June 5, 1 pm to 7 pm, and 

– Thursday June 6, 11 am to 7 pm.

Plan to come to the sale and pick up fabulous bargains at low, low prices. The sale takes place:

– Friday, June 7, 6 pm to 9 pm, and

– Saturday, June 8, 9 am to 1 pm.

For more information, please email us at or call 613-447-4492.  Thanks so much for your support. Looking forward to seeing you there!



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