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New awareness campaign asks Ontario growers to ‘Be Drift Aware’

As Ontario growers head to the fields this spring, they have easy access to new stewardship resources, no matter what they’re growing. A partnership...

The Food Corner

by Paul Cormier, Salamanders of Kemptville Today’s recipe is Salisbury Steak. It was originally invented as a health recipe by Dr. James Salisbury, way back...

Municipal affairs in 1924

One hundred years ago this month, February, 1924, the Kemptville Village Council held its monthly meeting to deal with outstanding issues. There were bills...

Merrick Tavern

This is one of the oldest houses in the region. Built, possibly, as early as 1800, it was the first home of William Merrick...

“North Grenville is on the moon”

Local author, Mike Blouin shared the news last week that “Kemptville is on the moon”. He didn’t mean literally, of course, but rather that...

Early Daffodils

by Fred Schueler – Fragile Inheritance Natural History Even before the poet William Wordsworth "wandered lonely as a cloud (into])a host of golden daffodils," these...

Health Unit concerned by recent local area drug poisonings (overdoses)

The Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit is reporting multiple drug poisonings (overdoses) over the last 4 days, across Leeds, Grenville and Lanark. ...

The Food Corner

by Paul Cormier, Salamanders of Kemptville Complex recipes aren’t much fun, unless you have the time and can get really into it. Today’s recipe may...
The NG Times Newspaper

That’s not the way we used to do it!

by Bob Porteous Remember when we used to have to go outside to go to the toilet? Maybe some of you who were raised in...

Celebrate beyond this Ontario Agriculture Week

by Larry Davis, Director, Ontario Federation of Agriculture Since 1998, our province has recognized Ontario Agriculture Week as the opportune time to celebrate our dynamic industry and...