2016-2017: retour sur une année scolaire riche en accomplissements

Encore une fois cette année, la grande équipe du Conseil des écoles catholiques du Centre-Est (CECCE) s’est dépassée pour offrir l’excellence aux élèves de...

UCDSB notes

The Upper Canada District School Board received a financial forecast update at its last meeting, and approved the 2018-19 School Year Calendar. Second Financial Forecast...

Province provides funding for retirement homes

The Ontario government has announced that it is investing up to $95,695 in nine licenced retirement homes in Leeds-Grenville-Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes. This...

KDH hit by cybersecurity breach

Kemptville District Hospital was forced to close its Emergency Department and put outpatient x-rays and ultrasounds on hold last Thursday, after being hit by...

Final KDHA Hey Day 50/50

by Jolene Stover The Kemptville District Hospital Auxiliary Hey Day 50/50 is pleased to congratulate our final winner, Cody Allen. For the KHDA, it was...

UCDSB trustee allegedly violates code of conduct twice

In late June, trustees with the Upper Canada District School Board voted to find their colleague, Trustee Curtis Jordan, guilty of a Code of...

BBQ raises funds for Beth Donovan Hospice

submitted by Shannon Lever The Bayshore Home Health Team, in partnership with TLC Medical Supply, hosted a BBQ Fundraiser for the Beth Donovan Hospice, Wednesday,...
The NG Times Newspaper

The need for grace

An interesting sight on Canada Day to see someone protesting the bouncy castle set up for the kids. It was the open display of...

Rotary Ukraine Blanket Fundraiser

submitted by Cora Beking Rotary Club of Kemptville would like to thank everyone who donated to our Ukraine Blanket Fundraiser project,  “We will warm up...

Outbreak declared at Rosebridge Manor Nursing Home

The Health Unit is working with Rosebridge Manor, near Eastons Corners, to manage a COVID-19 outbreak. One staff member has tested positive for COVID-19....