Thank you, don’t come again

Hospital wait times have been awful since the dawn of time (okay maybe since the dawn of hospitals), but the current situation is quite...

The party we’re not invited to

If I am not mistaken, somewhere in the time frame of grades 5-7, school students in Ontario begin to learn about the systems of...

The right to be wrong

There is much to say on Remembrance Day that could be considered “cliché”. I am talking about phrases such as “lest we forget”, or...

Much to be proud of

At the end of this past summer, I had a realization that I have been waiting for an opportunity to share. We took a...

Let it be

Now the election is over and we, as good democrats, will learn to live with the results for the next term. After the passion...

Closing time

I will be so glad when this election is over. I have never experienced a more poisonous, sleazy, and dishonest campaign by just a...

Sorry for smiling

After the mayoral candidates’ meeting on the evening of October 6, opinions seemed almost universal that the meeting was well moderated, civil, and generally...


I’ve been thinking a lot about words recently. Maybe it’s because I’ve been spending the past couple of weeks in Ireland, surrounded by two...

Champions of the truth for local communities

What is a community? This seems like a particularly dumb question, but it’s really not. Communities vary in size, number of amenities, and even...
The NG Times Newspaper

Frozen in time

It’s hard to predict the future, though many have tried. No, I am not talking about false prophecies of the end times – I...