Every breath you take

A few weeks ago, I wrote a somewhat tongue in cheek article about self-service cash machines, and I got the predictable comments about being...
The NG Times Newspaper

Education Minister playing games with communities

The spin which was being put on Education Minister Mitzie Hunter’s statements gave a very inaccurate impression of what is happening in rural schools...
The NG Times Newspaper

Another year over…

Well, that was an interesting year, wasn’t it? No matter where you focus, national, international, provincial or municipal, there was always something interesting happening....

The Answer to Everything

From the beginning of human civilisation, we have been trying to come up with the ultimate Answer to Everything: the one statement that would...
The NG Times Newspaper

When I’m 64

When the Beatles released the Sgt. Pepper album back in 1967, I was 12 years old and a major fan of the band (still...
The NG Times Newspaper

Celebration Day

I remember, way back in 2007, when we celebrated Kemptville’s 150 year anniversary, there was a long list of events and projects put together...

Git er done

Steve Clark has resigned as the Province’s Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, as was announced early last week. He will continue to serve...

Which side are you on?

I suppose we have to accept the fact that we’re entering election season again (again!). After having three opportunities last year to express our...

Peace will come

There was a really strange coincidence on Friday. As police moved against the protestors in Ottawa, I spent the day watching people being interviewed...

Oxy literal morons

What a great time to be an employee right now. So much leverage, so many options, and still too few employers who have a...