Public participation needed to document invasive species

A biologist from Carleton University is looking for the public's support in documenting the presence of an invasive beetle this summer. The lily leaf beetle...

If you can’t be kind, be quiet!

"Those of us who shout the loudest about Americanism are all too frequently those who ignore some of the basic principles of Americanism--- the...

North Grenville Times wins newspaper and website awards

Sometimes you can toot your own horn. North Grenville can be proud to have an award winning, independently owned newspaper in its community. Especially...

Home thoughts

I was watching a really good football game the other day (again, that’s soccer to some), when my wife said something that got me...
The NG Times Newspaper

Home thoughts

Isn’t it surprising how much we miss hugs and handshakes? Parents and grandparents miss hugging their children and grandchildren. Friends miss handshakes and hugs,...

Financial Cup of Tea – How do I protect my Financial Plan?

by Sarah Chisholm Financial Advisor, O'Farrell Financial Services Grab your favourite cup of tea or coffee and let us protect your Financial Plan. In addition...

Far from virtual: Are our current laws able to address sexual harassment in remote...

by David Westcott Workplace sexual harassment is a prominent barrier to career success and satisfaction and to a healthy work environment. Sadly, reports of...

Art in Motion

As soon as I met Jane Rutter, I was immediately impressed both by Jane the person, and Jane the creative and artistic photographer. I met...

Opportunity to shine

As we begin the second year of the pandemic and enter yet another provincial shutdown, one level of government has clearly demonstrated its commitment...

April is Parkinson’s Awareness Month

COVID-19 and Parkinson's: A Double Pandemic Parkinson's disease is on the rise with Canada experiencing one of the highest rates with over 100,000 individuals currently...