Ryan’s Well Foundation “World Toilet Day” fundraiser a hit

Two weeks ago, an annual occasion with a silly name helped bring awareness to something that is anything but silly. World Toilet Day is...

Is it a Swansong or just the Cygneture Tune!? 

The other day I was fortunate enough to have a friend, who lives by the river, call me to see if I wanted to...

The Mars Show

by Gary Boyle - The Backyard Astronomer Some three billion years ago, Mars was believed to have been a water world just like earth. It possessed...

The first Winter weather cold snap

Last week, we had the first really cold snap of winter and the birds immediately responded by coming to our feeders. As you can,...

Remembrance Day 11th November

Gathered at the Kemptville Cenotaph on a beautiful, sunny and windless November 11th day, The representatives of all the various religions encouraged us, to remember...

What is happening with social media?

Does anyone need their air ducts cleaned? Seriously, anyone? Homeowners in our local area are exceedingly lucky in that we have somewhere in the...

Adapting to a Future of Disturbances

submitted by Ralph C. Martin From our quiet, grade eight classroom, we were accustomed to seeing familiar patterns on the rural road, through the window. One...
The NG Times Newspaper

Health and education

submitted by Steve Gabell An educated and healthy population are the basic requirements for a healthy economy and strong civic society. We all rely on...

Is there a benefit to getting life insurance if you’re single or young?

By Cole Seabrook Financial Advisor, O’Farrell Wealth & Estate Planning | Assante Capital Management Ltd. Insurance Advisor, Assante Estate & Insurance Services Inc. It may seem too...

November is a month of “specials”

It sometimes seems that every month of the year has one or more “days of...” kind of events. November this year is certainly going...