Top three reasons I don’t eat organic foods for my health

by Kelvin Hodges At Christmas, my nephew, a highly paid solar engineer, asked me why I paid extra for organic bananas. The skin of the...
The NG Times Newspaper

North Grenville needs better internet

by Rachel Everett-Fry, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter As our lives have become increasingly technology reliant, residents of rural areas across the country have faced the...

Ignorance is not bliss

June is National Indigenous History Month in Canada, and there are people who will immediately see that and frown. There are so many negative...

Dr. Ireland named Chief Veterinary Officer and Delegate to the World Organisation for Animal...

Dr. Mary Jane Ireland has been named, by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), the Chief Veterinary Officer for Canada and World Organisation for...

The local shopping quandary

Earlier this month, residents in Chesterville, east of North Grenville, engaged in a debate about something that tends to be very important in small...

Prisons, cats and people

by Mz Penny Over the past year, I have listened to a lot of debates at Council meetings over the issues of the jail, development...

What is happening with social media?

Does anyone need their air ducts cleaned? Seriously, anyone? Homeowners in our local area are exceedingly lucky in that we have somewhere in the...
The NG Times Newspaper

Is good, good enough?

submitted by Victor Jarjour For some reason, I cannot get out of my mind Brandon Mayer’s editorial of November 3 entitled “Much to be Proud...
The NG Times Newspaper

Growing potential #1

by Deron Johnston There are a number of people involved in both the local food and sustainable agriculture community that believe that the Kemptville Campus...
The NG Times Newspaper

Why visit Dementia patients after the memory is gone

by David Herman This is the fourth in my series of articles on Dementia to go along with my observance of World Alzheimer’s (Dementia) Month....