Two for the price of one!

As yet another sunny cold day beckons us and our garden birds seek to find a morsel, or even a beak full of food...


by Zara Zrudlo I am writing this article in response to Lorraine Rekmans’ letter to the editor in last week’s paper. I didn’t honestly realize...
The NG Times Newspaper

The necessity of learning life skills

Why do we need to get meat from animals? Why can’t we just get it from the grocery store? No, I am not that dense,...

How times have changed

by Theresa Bergeron For international women’s day, I thought I would enlighten the younger generation on how times have changed in my lifetime.  I was born...
The NG Times Newspaper

What are we teaching our children?

I have been thinking a lot about social media and how people use it. For myself, I use it to keep in touch with...

Anstace Esmonde‑White

Long before the current interest in local food initiatives, two residents of North Grenville were spreading the word on television across North America and...

The Weather with Connor

featuring Connor Mockett Hello, everyone! Welcome back to The Weather with Connor. This week’s column will be a little bit different, I’m going to talk...


by Zara Zrudlo Micro-aggressions, as defined by Miriam Webster, are “a comment or action that subtly and often unconsciously or unintentionally expresses a prejudiced attitude...

Hairy, But Not Scary!

On this miserable snowbound day, which isn't at all cheery at the moment, but as the day is drawing to an end, it is...

Women’s Day message

by Nanda Wubs-Huizenga “This current chapter of my life is called my turn, and I’m unapologetic about it.” This quote resonates with me. As a...