A quiet transition period

A couple of Hummingbirds left here the day after I had made my statement to you all that I thought that the Hummingbirds had...

The many benefits of river cruising

River cruising offers a unique and delightful way to explore various regions and countries across the globe. While ocean cruises are popular, river cruises...

A Partial Solar Eclipse

by Gary Boyle The Backyard Astronomer A few times each year, the sun, moon and Earth perform a cosmic lineup in space producing an eclipse. This...

The Weather with Connor

Featuring Connor Mockett Hello, everyone! Welcome back to another week of The Weather with Connor. This week I thought I’d do a little end of...
The NG Times Newspaper

CAPP in hand

The lazy, hazy, days of summer seem to be over. Lazy, sometimes; hazy, thanks to all the wildfires burning up the countryside, but nevertheless,...

Is Summer almost over?

Our Hummingbirds, I think, are just making their last few visits to our feeder before they will be off on their very long migratory...

Big apple, little apple

“There are many apples on the tree, but only one big apple.” So the old saying goes in show business, and the reason why...

Delightful Friends

My! How quiet it is in the garden on this bright and hot, late summer day. There seems to be no real activity going...

Thinking ahead is the best investment

It typically doesn’t take more than hour or two of highway driving before the average motorist will come across a broken down vehicle. Sometimes...

Spider‑bird, not Spider‑man!

Life speeds onwards apace as summer and all the bird activities carry on in the day to day routine of living. The competition for...